Monday, October 20, 2014

Probably the last day of catching fish

Yesterday I tried to pull the boat out with the van and got stuck on the wet grass.  We had to call a tow using AAA.  The fellow was nice and pulled the boat up as well.  The guy was 83 and worked with his teen grandson.  We tipped the kid $40.

So today I got the boat twisted about and turned over to rest on the picnic table.  It looks very good.

I fished off the float dock and for a while thought I'd get nothing.  Nothing bit on the jig.  Then I just put on a number 6 this Aberdeen hook and a bit of worm and I caught a half dozen, including two large perch. They bit right off the float.  Nothing bit very far from the float.  Perhaps the fish shelter under it.

I sat in the old UB chair and just enjoyed the Autumn day.

Later we had the fish with a bit of oyster stew and salad.  A good last supper before I head out to the land of buffets, Las Vegas where I'll be hoping to catch a very different sort of fish.


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Boating with Casey

Casey and I went out in the boat.
It had water from recent rain, so I winched it up on the ramp and Casey removed the plug, let the water drain and then put it back in again.
It took him a while to get the idea of it, but he finally did.  
It was great to have that help.  It is quite a job for me and I can't do it until the boat is really jacked up a long way.
I bought a come along at Harbor Freight and I hope I can rig that up as a better way to winch up the boat than this rope winch.
We'll see.
I haven't had much energy for doing it yet.
It was a cool day and there was rain just before, and then it stopped.

 We dressed warm and were very comfortable

He wanted to go under the tunnel and into the third lake again.  So we did.  We rowed out to the island and around it, noting the rock piles constructed by local kids.  Interesting.  We fished a bit, but there were no bites.  At first it was weedy and then nothing anyway.
This is a shot from a previous trip when Casey and Peter caught these off the dock

I froze them and we had them for breakfast, Casey liking to taste his big bullhead.

It was a great day.  In the afternoon we went up to George Klapp's party and Casey had a grand time there.  Animals and hay rides and a kid with a real drone.  And plenty of good food.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Cleaned a meal

I cleaned a meal of perch and bluegill caught two days ago.  I kept them in the refrigerator and they did fine.  I was sick yesterday.

I caught them in front of the single small white birch where they build the new house in the nice bit of woods on the West side of the Second Lake.  I anchored there.  No place else did I have much of a bit. 
I was out about where the large dock was to my South of perhaps  as far as the dock with the white ladder.  Seemed to be relatively shallow.  That may have been the key.  I caught them on a jig and fish eye as I was out of worms.  Some hit while fishing right off the back of the boat.


Saturday, October 4, 2014

Light Rain

Hardly enough to gather much depth in the boat, just a constant myth.

I cleaned the four fish that were in the refrigerator overnight, but I did not fish today.

We've been going out all day, changing the destinations.  Now we are geared for the movies and a good restaurant.  Soon it will be time.

I kept the fish all day under the faucet outside with just a steady drip feeding that water.  Even the white perch was alive and the other three bluegills were very, very feisty as were the fish I took from the bucket two days ago.  I guess the cold water helps.  Then the steady dip much give just enough new oxygen.  It is a fine system for keeping fish caught in the morning and cleaned at night.

However, cleaning fish from the refrigerator works great.  It is especially easy to pop eyeballs for bait because the fish is dead.  And I don't have to worry about losing one in the weeds around the deck.  I clean now with gloves as I have been getting cuts on my fingers and they have been getting little infections.  The gloves work great.

I also used the umbrella for the first time to shield me from rain and it worked just fine. 

Cleaning four fish is nothing much, but it feels at my age like a dozen or so might have felt decades back.  Imagine, I used to clean 50 on a regular basis.

Wind and rain

Well, honestly more wind than rain.
I checked the boat and there was not even enough to bail.

But it is cold. 
You'd think winter was coming.
Time to head to Vegas and then get out my winter clothes for Florida

I think today we are heading up to the Clark for a bit of art.  There will be fish there, but I don't have to clean them.  Aesthetic fish. (PS  switched up to go to the movies with Abigail and Bruce)

Elizabeth wants to go to the Rockwell also so it will be a good bit of museum.  That's for sure.

I'm listening to WRPI and they did have a good stretch of good music without the blowhard affecting his country accent in between.  Good music,   Terrible DJ.

Captain Rick had a dolphin jump in the boat and got it all on video

Quite something.


Friday, October 3, 2014

Photos of the Fall from the water

Caught four more today but the wind was up.  I was happy to have taken these photos during the calm of other days.


Peter and Casey were down one day and caught three off the dock.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fine day

It was calm with just a small drift to bring me home and give be a break from rowing.

I caught just four fish in the morning: one white perch, one yellow perch, one bluegill and one pumpkinseed.

I hooked and lost one white perch off from the woods that border Burden Lake Road.  There may have been another perch following the hooked fish. 

They hit worms or eyes, but the worms got more nibbles.

Only the purple twister tails worked.  White and dark were useless.