Saturday, June 27, 2015

Janine and Teresa

Janine and Teresa here fishing today off the dock.  Janine was in the old fishing club from Livingston.  Long time ago.
Here she is as a middle school student holding a fine pickerel she caught in front of the house.

 Here is a grand photo of my bald spot of those years.

We caught up over wine and cheese after the fishing.  The rain held off and gave them a good bit of time on the dock and two large yellow perch and one bullhead went home for cleaning and perhaps breakfast.

Some talk too of Vegas.  Nice.  I don't get to do that much.

And she brought wine

Very tasty treat.  I opened it as I finished up my writing.
The one below is also good.  Janine and I drank it last night.

 WE opened this one.  I knew I had enjoyed this wine before.  As it turns out, this is that expensive bottle that was given to son Frank on his birthday.  He opened it when I visited last April.
 So it was a great visit and I'm sure we will do it again.  In the meantime, I'm sharing a bit of Vegas with her.  

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Bluefish with sneaker

This is a print in the SUNY at Albany administration building.
I like it.


Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Well, I had a fine if slow day with the fish today. 
The bluegills were slow, but nice and big.  I caught some this morning on just a hook and worm.  Just before 6 PM I caught two more, a nice bluegill and one of those big crappies that gives a fillet three times the size of the bluegill.
I'm going to make bluegill bits in the deep fryer on Sunday and trying to collect enough to do that.
My back is somewhat better or I'm just better at babying it.  The cleaning did not affect the place where the back gives the most pain,  Other muscles got tired, but not the sore one and that is very good news.
I used the new knife I bought cheap in florida.  It is a bit longer than the panfish fillet by Rapella and thinner.  I really like it.  Because it is longer I get a better swipe as the handle does not bump against the board.    It took me a while to get used to it, but I'll hope to get a couple more next year.

Of course, I tipped over all the tools and had to pick them up.  Getting down to do that is tough on the back.

I got down and opened the live well and that was hard, but very satisfying.  I put four fish in there three days ago and they were still there.  I have not taken that screened pen in for winter in two years, thinking a new dock was coming.  It is just screened with the light screening buddy Chuck gave me maybe four years ago.  I thought that was a one year fix.  So nice to know that I can put fish in there and expect they will be there.
I cleaned some I had refrigerated and some I had in a bucket (they died) and the fresh ones.  The fresh were easier to clean, except, of course, there is some distain for skinning a live fish.  More as I get older.  Casey thinks it is great fun.

The other odd good turn was that the knot that was in the line just popped itself out.  I was fishing that pole and just trying to toss line after the knot and loop it had made.  So now it is all straight line.  All my reels need line replacement. 

I put up the extra umbrella to clean and took the sun off the process.  I sure like that rig.  In the old days, I would never be cleaning in the sun.  I'd still be fishing.  But now, it is good to get to it whenever I am well napped.

The lake is cool and pretty deserted except for solid business at Kay's.  I like all of it. I was in my overcoat that Peter Ryan gave me a dozen years ago, but took it off.  The tee shirt was enough until I fished at the end of the float in the wind.  Then I wished I had the coat, but stairs are a pain so I don't do them if I don't have to.

No rain.  I have not had to bail anything these past weeks. 
I watered my peppers today.  They were getting a bit dry.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Ann P has the recipe for bluegill


Ann's Bluegill recipe

Ann Parillo's bluegill batter

Ann cooked these at one of Greg Millet's Wednesday poker games and they were great. Here is her batter:

OK - here is my recipe (I don't measure so you can use what you like)

Three containers:
One plastic bag with plain white flour. Add salt, pepper, garlic
powder and
dried crushed basil to taste.

One dish with beaten egg with a little milk added

One dish with a mixture of half saltines crushed and half matzo
crushed. I use a blender to reduce size of crackers.

Method: Rinse and soak fish in lemon juice for about 15 minutes or so.
fillets and then toss in flour bag, then egg mixture and then cracker
mixture. Lay on a cookie sheet lined with waxed paper until you are
finished preparing all the fish. This allows the coating to amalgamate
coat and seal the fish entirely.

Well there it is.

Then we just fry them up. yum! Thanks Ann